Dyslexia is characterized by problems with expressive or receptive oral or written language. It is a brain-based processing difference that affects the way a person gets, uses, stores and sends out information. Dyslexics may have trouble with one or more of the following skills: reading, writing, listening, speaking, reasoning and math.
Dyslexics are often gifted in creative, right brain abilities and possess unusual talents in the arts. Dyslexia is not a disease, nor is it the result of low intelligence, low motivation, or emotional, psychological, or behavioral difficulties. If misunderstood, however, learning differences can limit a child’s ability to reach his or her full potential.
Dyslexia and its related language-based learning differences are prevalent, in fact, you probably know someone with a learning difference because they affect 15-20% of the population to some extent, and cut across every segment of society. Many still don’t understand what they are or how to diagnose them.
For children, early detection and intervention is crucial. In fact, research shows that 90% of those who struggle with reading skills in Third Grade continue to read significantly below grade level as they enter high school. The earlier a child with a learning difference is provided quality, research-based remediation, the better the long-term prognosis for reading proficiency.
If your child understands new concepts easily, is curious, has a great imagination, enjoys putting things together such as legos, puzzles and models, and yet does not reach age-appropriate developmental language milestones, he or she may have a language based learning difference.