General Information
- Absences
- Alerts
- Athletic Trainers
- Code of Conduct
- Contact Info
- Expenses
- Inclement Weather Policy/Alerts
- Lifetime Sports
- Participation Policy
- Pickup from Practice/Games
- Pre-Season Parents Meetings
- Post-season Awards/Team Parties
- Social Media
- Sports Physical
- Sports By Season
- Transportation
- Try-out and Cut Policy
- Uniforms
- Varsity & JV
To sign up as a new user
First navigate to the athletic team page you would like to get alerts for. Click on the Alerts button.
Complete the New Users fields on the login screen:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Choose password
- Verify password
Click "Continue"
NOTE: your email address will become your username.
Once you have created your account, you will use your username (email address) and password each time you wish to add a new alert or when you wish to change your settings.
To login to manage profile, the user will:
Complete the Site Login fields with existing login credentials:
- Username
- Password
Click "Login"
When logged in, you will have access to three tabs: My Profile, My Account, and My Subscriptions.
My Profile
This tab will allow you to view and edit your profile. There is really no need at this point to fill in anything other than your name.
In order to receive a text message alert, you must add a valid text-enabled phone number to the Contact area
To enable text message alerts, you will:
- Enter a valid text-enabled phone number
- Click "Enable Text Msg"
- Read the popup message and click OK to continue
- From the drop down box, the user chooses the appropriate cellular phone service provider
- Click "Update Profile"
- A 6-digit verification code will be sent to the user's cell phone
- Click the "Verify" link
- Enter the code in the confirmation box
- Click the "Verify" button
- After the number has been verified, a green checkmark will appear.
NOTE: No messages will be sent until the verification code has been entered. Also, alerts are sent at no charge to the school, but you may incur charges from the cellular provider. Most cellular phone companies charge for receiving text messages by a "per message" charge. You should make certain of your status with your cellular provider before signing up for these notifications.
My Account
Under the My Account tab, you can update his/her password.
To update password:
- Populate the needed fields
- Current Password
- New Password
- Confirm New Password
Click "Update"
My Subscriptions
Under the My Subscriptions tab, you can manage current subscriptions and alerts for various teams.
To sign up for athletic team and event alerts
Entire athletic teams can be added to your Alerts Manager. You can be informed of cancellations, postponements, score, and recaps for all events on the Team Schedule page.
To add an athletic team, you will:
- Navigate to the desired team's Team Schedule page
- Click the Alerts button just below the page heading
- Login to manage subscriptions
- Define the Alert Settings
- Click "Update Settings"
Specific athletic events can be added to the user's Alerts Manager. Users will be informed of cancelations, postponements, score, and recaps.
To add a specific athletic event, the user will:
- Navigate to the school calendar that pulls in the athletics schedules
- Click the bell to the right of the event title
- Login to manage subscriptions
- Define the Alert Settings
- Click "Update Settings"
To remove the alert, the user will
- Login into manage subscriptions
- Click the red X to the left of the subscription/alert
- Click OK to confirm
- The page will refresh and the subscription/alert will be gone.
Athletic Trainers
Code of Conduct
Expectations of Athletes - Summit athletes share a commitment to themselves, their teammates and to the school. Student-athletes are expected to exhibit:
- Respect - For oneself, teammates, coaches, opponents, officials, fans, team managers, bus drivers and athletic staff.
- Responsibility - By attending practices/games, being on time every day and being prepared to improve in skill level and knowledge of the sport. Athletes are expected to adhere to the school rules and expectations as stated in the Upper School Handbook. Anyone in violation of this policy will be subject to severe consequences.
- Sportsmanship - Every action, body language, attitude and spoken word is a reflection of oneself and a reflection of the school. Student-athletes should be committed to being the “bigger” person in difficult situations.
Expectations of Parents - Summit parents are expected to support the coach, all student-athletes, athletic policies, and game officials. Parents are encouraged to cheer on Summit teams while refraining from verbally abusing game officials or the opposing team. Finally, parents who have concerns about their child’s athletic experience should first contact the coach and, if unresolved, follow-up with the Athletic Director. Appropriate topics to discuss with your child's coach include your child's safety, skill improvement, and behavior concerns. It is not appropriate to discuss your child's playing time, team strategy, calling of plays, or other student-athletes. Parents who wish to meet with a coach should never do so immediately following a game but are encouraged to wait 24 hours and then reach out to the coach directly.
Contact Info
For all team sports inquiries, please contact your child’s coach in season.
For general information and additional inquiries contact Director of Athletics, John Carty, at 721-0540 x 1101 or at
While Summit tries to limit additional costs above and beyond tuition for athletic participation, all student-athletes are charged $150 per sports season upon participation, except Lifetime Sports. Lifetime Sports student-athletes are charged $250 per sports season. All fees are billed at the end of each sports season.
Inclement Weather Policy/Alerts
If rain, snow, ice or other inclement weather impacts the practice or game schedule, you will receive an email or text. Please keep in mind that safety is our top priority and will steer our decisions if changes need to be made. Parents are also encouraged to sign up for team alerts to be notified when schedule changes occur.
Lifetime Sports
Lifetime Sports at Summit School exists to give students exposure to physical fitness activities, off-campus recreation, and non-traditional sports with the goal of staying physically active for life. Activities include but are not limited to archery, bowling, personal fitness, hiking, zip lining, skeet shooting, biking, ultimate, yoga, snow skiing, and disc golf.
Participation Policy
Pickup from Practice/Games
Pickup from practices takes place in the main carpool circle at 5:15 pm on practice days and at appointed times from away games. Students are free to carefully use the crosswalk or simply walk to their parents car by curbside to be picked up. Parents who do not pick up on time from practice days will be charged an extra fee.
Pickup from away games also takes place in the main carpool circle. Students are allowed to bring their cell phones to away games for the sole purpose of calling/texting parents the approximate time they will return to school. Any inappropriate use of cell phones by students will be subject to severe consequences.
Pre-Season Parents Meetings
At the conclusion of the first week of practice, all parents are asked to meet with their child’s coach for a pre-season parents meeting at the end of practice. These meetings will be brief and informal and will include the following: coach’s expectations for practice/game participation, electing a team mom/dad, reviewing the team schedule and reviewing any sport rules that may make viewing more enjoyable.
Post-season Awards/Team Parties
We encourage each team to hold a fun and informal team party during the last week of practice (including awards day, before or after team pictures). The purpose is to highlight each student-athlete’s participation and team accomplishments. A simple gift for each coach may be presented during this event.
Social Media
Sports Physical
Sports By Season
Fall Sports
- Cross Country
- Strength & Conditioning
- Football
- Soccer
- Field Hockey
- Tennis
- Volleyball
Winter Sports
- Lifetime Sports
- Swimming
- Strength & Conditioning
- Basketball
- Wrestling
- Basketball
Spring Sports
- Golf
- Track & Field
- Strength & Conditioning
- Baseball
- Lacrosse
- Tennis
- Lacrosse
- Soccer
- Softball
Summit provides transportation for all athletic teams to away games. Certified drivers are hired to drive longer distances, allowing coaches to build relationships with students and prepare for the game. Families are charged a $150 fee per season per child and transportation costs are part of the fee. Families are billed at the end of each season.
Try-out and Cut Policy
Participating on a sports team provides the student-athlete an experience in skill development, sportsmanship and teamwork. We strive to provide athletic opportunities for all eligible students.
Some of our teams have a cap that requires cuts in the number of players so that all team members have a meaningful experience. A tryout period will be held at the beginning of each season and, if cuts are necessary, the head coach will inform all players of their status on the team on the last day of tryouts. Athletes who do not make the team of their choice may tryout for another team if there is space on the roster.
Summit provides uniforms for all school teams. Students keep and care for uniforms during the season and coaches collect all uniforms following the last game. Students are required to turn in their uniforms before receiving another uniform for the following season. Exceptions to this are boys tennis and golf who keep their shirts.