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Summit Support 2023-2024

Summit Support is our annual publication illustrating the impact of your gifts to Summit. Thank you for your support of inspiring learning.

head of school with student

For more than 92 years, Summit School has been dedicated to realizing our founder Louise Futrell's vision of “a dream school where everybody could be a somebody." Your support is vital to our culture of philanthropy, where parents, grandparents, alums, faculty and staff, former parents, friends, and community members unite to help all students develop their full potential. 

Your generosity sustains both the immediate and enduring programs that inspire our students to embrace curiosity with confidence that is built on a foundation of competence. Summit students refine the skills, acquire the knowledge, and achieve the understandings they need to shape their futures. 

Your commitment to Summit is a profound expression of philanthropy–literally “love” for the Summit community. Thanks to your dedication, lifelong learning is a reality for every child, every day. We are deeply grateful for your support! Thank you. 

Michael Ebeling signature

Michael Ebeling
Head of School

head of board

Schools like Summit exist because of the enduring stewardship of our community. On behalf of the Board of Trustees, I extend my heartfelt gratitude for your support during the 2023-2024 school year. 

The Summit School community consistently rises to the occasion, supporting Every Eagle, Every Day, through all of our crucial fundraising efforts. Your generosity paves the way for Summit to build strong educational foundations, fostering endless exploration and curious minds. 

As many of you are aware, tuition only covers a portion of the cost of a Summit education. The balance is supplemented through an annual draw from our endowment and contributions to The Summit Fund and other fundraising initiatives. I am genuinely inspired by the Summit community's generosity. This spirit of giving has been a hallmark of Summit for more than nine decades, and our ongoing philanthropic efforts will ensure a sustainable future for our cherished school. Thank you for the many ways you have and continue to support Summit School—today and into the future. 

WD signature


Wesley Davis ’87
Board of Trustees Chair, 2023-2024

Summit Support 2023-2024

2023-2024 financials graphic



Summit Support 23-24 banner