Six Promises

Six Promises of Summit School

At Summit, our goal for students and for ourselves is to think creatively, reason systematically and work collaboratively. And to that end, we make these promises...

Scholarship at Its Best
A Fertile Learning Environment
A Sturdy Confidence
Intellectual Independence
State of the Art Facilities
Educators Who Engage the Whole Child

Scholarship at Its Best

We are tenacious about teaching fundamentals and committed to seeing our students translate proficiency into discovery, expertise and impact.

At Summit, scholarship is about more than citing the work of others. It is the capacity to join a larger conversation that is informed by research and driven by a desire to understand and to see beyond the literal. Scholarship, at its best, is more than learning the answers for the next test, it is learning to anticipate new questions and to pursue complex answers in ways that are personally meaningful and socially responsible.

The rewards of scholarship are infinitely greater as it grows from a short-term project to a lifelong behavior.

A Fertile Learning Environment

Our work is always purposeful. Every aspect of our school, from curriculum to campus, is designed to maximize opportunities for learning. At Summit, learning happens not just in the classroom, but on the sidewalk, on the playing field, in the dining room, and in the in-between moments and spaces that our faculty and facility capture. Summit is a great place to be a child and to become a young adult.

Our curriculum creates a rich arc of teachable moments designed to discover and develop fluency, creativity and competency in every area of a child’s life.

A Sturdy Confidence

Confidence is essential for academic achievement and lifelong success. At Summit, we believe the best way to build a child’s confidence is to build real competence. Confidence based on anything less is unsustainable.

Where do our students land? On their feet.

They land on their feet with a sense of purpose and responsibility. While our youngest children are learning respect and sharing, our oldest students are grappling with what it means to be present to the needs of their world.

They learn to think globally and lead for the good of others.

Every child brings distinctive potential and a unique voice to Summit. We cherish that individuality, and our faculty is committed to discovering each child’s gifts.

Intellectual Independence

At Summit, we help children grow in their ability to meet challenges, take risks and transform their own lives. In short, we teach learning.

Curiosity is the basic fuel of learning. At Summit, we don’t waste it and we don’t squelch it—we leverage it. We give our students the training and the discipline to create without a template, to search out reliable sources, to think critically and to take meaningful action without a script.

We believe knowledge that is earned is the most enduring.

State of the Art Facilities

Our facilities are built with the same sense of purpose that defines our curriculum. They teach and they inspire.

In our Arts and Technology Building, we bring students to the intersection of technology, creativity and expression. Our Athletic Center features a variety of spaces: an indoor track, basketball courts, a fitness center, and studios for gymnastics and aerobics. In gardens and courtyards that are alive with natural growth, we bring the outside world into our curriculum. In our dining halls, we enjoy the “hearth” of Summit with healthy meals and round tables for lively conversation.

And, at the center of it all, we have classrooms and libraries that delight children and adults alike with their state-of-the-art technology and multiple spaces for memorable exchange and individual learning.

Educators Who
Engage the Whole Child

The teachers we remember best are those who came alongside us at vital points in our lives. They helped us to discover our passions and to expand our capacity to master challenging material.

At Summit, our children are surrounded by such memorable teachers. They are mentors and models—encouragers and friends—who engage students in the present and prepare them for the future.

When we work with a student to unravel a math problem, learn to write in cursive, organize a service project, conduct a science experiment or rehearse a scene, we are developing the tools of self-reliant learning, the habits of academic mastery and the vision for creative impact.

We inspire and we equip each student for a rich journey of lifelong learning.