Thank you for your interest in Summit School!
We accept new students in all grades each year if space is available.
Our typical entry points are Eaglets, Junior Kindergarten, and Kindergarten. Summit is currently accepting applications for all grade levels for the 2024-25 school year. Please note the timeline below for important dates.
Please note the following age requirements for admission to Summit's Early Childhood program.
Eaglets Class - Student must turn 3 by June 1
Junior Kindergarten - Student must turn 4 by June 1
Kindergarten - Student must turn 5 by June 1
Admission to the Triad Academy division (1st-8th Grades) requires an individually administered cognitive test, specifically the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children - Version V (WISC-V) and a test of achievement, such as the Woodcock-Johnson Test of Achievement - Version (WJ-IV).
December 31 | Financial Aid Deadline for All Families |
January 31 | Application Deadline for First round consideration |
February | Selected applicants invited for student visits |
February 12-26 | Re-enrollment period for current families |
March 5 | First round of new student acceptances sent via email |
Rolling admissions space permitting |
Spring 2024 SOAR
What makes Summit different from other schools?
Whole Child Education
Our educators are concerned with helping children become not only lifelong learners but good people. Each and every adult in our learning community is an educator.
Active Learning
Curiosity is the basic fuel of learning. At Summit, we don’t waste it and we don’t squelch it—we leverage it. We believe knowledge that is earned is the most enduring.
From our Lower School Design and Technology studio to our 9th grade Summit Coffee Project, Summit students learn to think creatively and approach challenges with a positive, fresh perspective.