Core Competencies
Each day for ninety years, Summit has earned a reputation for living our mission.
Summit is well-known for providing a challenging curriculum within a caring environment to help all students develop their full potential. The same combination of courage and vision that led founder Louise Futrell in 1933 to develop a program committed to the richness and complexity of the whole child leads us as educators today to embrace Summit’s Core Competencies.
The culmination of the Summit educational experience is the embodiment in our students of Summit’s Core Competencies. These skills, dispositions and abilities are both timeless and timely, enabling our students to thrive in a future we can’t predict. Summit students are:
Having acquired a strong academic, athletic, artistic, and technological foundation
Operating from an ethical compass, guided by character, confidence, and competence
Exhibiting intellectual curiosity, including critical and creative thinking, with a commitment to lifelong learning
Demonstrating global awareness, embracing diversity, and working collaboratively within and beyond the school community
Socially Responsible
Committing to civic responsibility, service, and stewardship—both locally and globally